SOCPA de-brief course
BGP have successfully delivered a SOCPA (Serious Organised Crime and Police Act) Assisting Offender de-brief course to fourteen delegates from the City of London Police. The five day course looked at police methodology for dealing with offenders where CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) agreements have been authorised under sections 71 to 74 of the act.
This course affords delegates the methodology for dealing with assisting offenders. It details the structures and processes that affect and allow the offender to provide intelligence and/or evidence regarding their involvement in serious and organised crime.
SOCPA debriefing is a comprehensive programme that looks at the entire journey of the offender, from the initial scoping to the provision of verbal evidence at court as well as the ongoing protection considerations that need to be considered by relevant law enforcementbodies. It also identifies key stakeholders throughout the journey and the operational plans that are needed to satisfy the requirements of the legislation.
The course is delivered by practitioners for practitioners, and has proved invaluable when put into practice in real life operations.
For more information on this and other courses, please contact Wilf Pickles or any of the team at BGP.