DIVERT recognised at the annual Met Excellence Awards
We are proud and pleased to announce that DIVERT, the unique and innovative custody intervention programme has today been recognised at the Met Excellence Awards where it received the award for Support Team of the Year. The award was presented by Kate Richardson-Walsh OBE.
Details of the award as well as the other winners can be found here.
The ceremony hosted by LBC’s Nick Ferrari, which was held virtually, recognised a range of dedicated police work and allied support. Officers and staff were joined by Stephen Fry and a number of guest presenters, including mayor Sadiq Khan, ITV London correspondent Ronke Phillips and criminal barrister and TV personality Robert Rinder.
DIVERT is a unique police custody programme designed for 18 to 25-year olds to promote pathways to education, apprenticeships, employment with the aim to stop re-offending.
With funding from the Home Office and the Mayor’s Office, six custody intervention coaches have been placed in custody suites throughout London.
Each of these coaches have shown dedication and courage by interacting with young people at a critical and challenging time, following up that work once they have been released from custody.
In the past year these coaches have spoken to over 800 young people, half of whom have been placed into education, training or employment. This programme has had a direct effect in reducing the re-arrest rate substantially, to under 10%.
Wilf Pickles, BGP director and a trustee of the New Era Foundation said today “We are obviously very proud to receive this award and the recognition that goes with it. The award clearly recognises the professionalism and commitment of out custody intervention coaches who work tirelessly to support these young people at a vulnerable time of their lives, when they are most in need of help, guidance and support”. He also added “I would especially like to thank Edmonds Marshall McMahon and Wembley National Stadium Trust for their continued support, as well as the Bounce Back Foundation who support DIVERT in this project. Also, thanks must go to Chief Inspector Jack Rowlands, Nick Darvill, DIVERT’s head of operations, Ann-Marie Willison and Kate Ruby, programme managers, as well as everyone else involved with the programme for their unconditional support and commitment”.