Litigation Support
We offer support to the legal profession in both civil or criminal matters
Our experienced team of former police officers have significant experience in evidence gathering as well as the preparation and presentation of cases for court.
We can advise and assist on many issues whether criminal or civil, and believe that we can often add a new dimension to what is required in order to achieve a successful outcome in these often complicated matters.
We fully accept that we are not lawyers and in no way would we presume to be able to replace the professional legal judgement and knowledge that only a lawyer can provide. We do however believe that our extensive investigative experience enables us to suggest additional strategies and aspects that may assist and progress these cases.
We are particularly experienced in disclosure, and are often able to discover information that may either have inadvertently been missed by others, or simply not disclosed, for whatever reasons. This can often lead to additional disclosure that may otherwise have not been the case.
We are particularly knowledgeable in the use and workings of HOLMES (Home Office Large Major Enquiry System), the UK police major enquiry system which is used for the collection of data in murders and other major enquiries. This can be particularly advantageous to law firms and their clients, not only in respect of disclosure, but also in identifying and exploring alternative avenues for investigation that may have been overlooked.
We are experienced in the evaluation of crime scenes, and can offer invaluable assistance in this particularly technical aspect of crime investigation.
We also assist in the preparation of private prosecutions where our experienced investigators are able to examine and evaluate potential lines of enquiry, obtain evidence, interview victims and witnesses and assist in the preparation of cases for court. We always ensure that we comply with our disclosure obligations and keep a full record of unused material, which is an essential part of the prosecution process.
Our social media monitoring can also assist in the provision of important evidence that has proved to be a valuable asset in the preparation of both civil and criminal cases.
We believe that we are a valuable and cost effective resource to assist you in many of the cases that you deal with.