South Africa Kidnap

The Pretoria News has highlighted the recent kidnap of a Dutch national in South Africa.

Mr de Ronde was kidnapped at gunpoint shortly after his arrival at Oliver Tambo Airport in Johannesburg to attend a business meeting. He was later released following the payment of a ransom into a UK bank account.

This has yet again highlighted the continued need not only for vigilance but for due diligence to be conducted prior to entering into negotiations with companies or individuals who are not known personally and with whom no previous business has been conducted.

This is far from the first time that a kidnap such as this has occurred in South Africa. Similar offences have also occurred in other African countries, often involving UK nationals.

Ian Horrocks BGP’s Senior Consultant has warned “This is yet another sad example of where simple due diligence could have prevented this kidnap. In this case the hostage was released alive, albeit not unharmed. The consequences could easily have been far worse”.

The Pretoria News article relating to this kidnap can be viewed here.

BGP personnel have personal experience at dealing with kidnaps such as these, and specifically within South Africa.

We can also arrange for Crisis management and Kidnap awareness training should this be required.

Should you wish us to advise yourself or your company on how you can prevent and/or respond to such incidents, please contact any of the team at BGP.