Mark Morris
As an Associate Managing Consultant, Mark brings to BGP 30 years’ experience in investigation management, 25 of which are in computer and internet related crime.
Formerly a detective on the Computer Crime Unit at New Scotland Yard, Mark has investigated and brought to justice individuals who have hacked organisations including the military, defence contractors, a global hotel chain and international news organisations. Upon leaving the police Mark moved to the City, taking his skills to the forensic accounting arena. In 1999, he helped form a computer forensic practice as part of a large IT security group and in 2002 became Head of Forensics for a major international IT company.
Mark now manages investigations where digital evidence is identified, also advising clients as to IT security and ancillary issues. He is a member of the British Computer Society and of the Institution of Analysts and Programmers.
As an expert witness in both the criminal and civil courts, Mark has provided evidence in many high-profile cases and has worked with both UK and overseas law enforcement agencies.
In 2017, Mark was awarded a master’s degree in Counter Fraud and Counter Corruption Studies by the University of Portsmouth. His dissertation researched how organisations in the third sector manage of the threat of fraud and corruption and how this may be improved to protect revenue streams and organisational reputation.
Mark has also given evidence to the UK Parliament Home Affairs Select Committee on cyber forensics. Details of this can be found here.