Launch of the Passion Project
Wednesday saw the launch of the Passion project, an initiative of the Milestone Foundation, which seeks to address youth unemployment.
At BGP we are proud to be partners in this exciting project, which is addressing some of the challenges faced by our youth in the world of employment.
The project is a large-scale youth engagement initiative that is helping 16 – 24 year olds explore employment opportunities by identifying and developing their natural skills, talents and passions, thereby creating meaningful employment opportunities.
The launch, held at the Sir John Cass Business School, was attended by over 200 people from 93 organisations, all of whom are committed to the success of this project.
BGP Managing Director and Trustee of the Milestone Foundation, Wilf Pickles, said “This was an amazing event and we are all looking forward to working together with others involved in the project, enhancing the skills and natural talents of individuals to generate positive and long term outcomes.”
More information on the Passion Project can be found here.