£38 million confiscation and compensation order
Following a private criminal prosecution, serial fraudster Ketan Somaia was yesterday (12th January) ordered to pay a confiscation and compensation order in the sum of £38,855,647. This was the largest order in UK legal history as the result of such a prosecution.
BGP have been involved with the case since its inception, and conducted many of the inquiries, as well as providing the evidence relating to the actual offence, that led to the conviction. Since then our experienced investigators were instrumental in identifying assets both in the UK and abroad. It was evident that the defendant who had gained substantially from his criminal activities had gone to enormous lengths to hide assets.
The victim Murli Mirchandani was represented by private prosecution specialists, Edmonds Marshall McMahon who are experts in the field of private criminal prosecutions and confiscation. Details of the case can be found here.
Should you require more information on how we can assist you with such prosecutions, or the tracing of assets, please contact Wilf Pickles or Ian Horrocks, who will be happy to discuss how we can help.